Tranquility – SC181

I stayed up late last night stalking the Sketch Challenge for today. When it was posted, I printed it out and as I went to sleep decided that Tart and Tangy would be a good set to use with the coordinating paper for this cute sketch. Does this look like Tart and Tangy to you? I have no idea what possessed me to go with an Asian look other than my first email this morning was from my sweet daughter-in-law Jennifer who is a native of Shanghai. So instead of reaching for Tart and Tangy, I pulled out Kanji and my Far East paper stack from DCWV and forged ahead. I really like the card and will be sending it to Jennifer since she was the inspiration and also needs a little encouragement right now.

Supplies: Stamps-Kanji and All Night Media Bamboo; Going Gray, Groovy Guava, Whisper White and Bazzill Burgundy cardstock; Far East mat pack from DCWV; Ink- Cranberry Crisp, Groovy Guava, Versamark; Groovy Guava DS ribbon, Silver HPH, Cuttlebug Swiss Dots EF.



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